The topic of Independence had been relegated to a side story in previous months; after much discussion and so-called fact-finding, nothing in the end was decided in regards to whether or not we would be voting for Independence via referendum or if we'd vote for whichever political party wins the next General Election puts Independence in its manifesto.
It's no secret that the goal of the PLP party is an independent Bermuda, and fair enough. Heck it should be all of our goals as Bermudians to one day become an independent nation. But what with all these undertakings that the ruling Government has taken in recent weeks: the announcements of new hotel ventures, new methods of tackling traffic congestion and other proposals, plus the belief that the UBP is so disjointed and the fledgling ABC likely to pull votes in a way that would benefit the PLP, I think that there's a chance that the Premier could very well include Independence in an election platform, and still roll to victory even if the majority of Bermudians don't want Independence, or at least want the matter decided separately.
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