
East Broadway near Corkscrew Hill

Apparently the junction is a well-known 'accident spot' to even the Police and Government, however there haven't been any great efforts to make it safer by the powers that be. Since the unfortunate death of another person on the roads this weekend, a number of people have discussed the pitfalls of that particular area, such as the unusual banking of the road going contrary to the curve of it.

What we continue to have in Bermuda is the Opposition, spearheaded by Senator Michael Fahy, recommending a number of Government-led initiatives to enhancing the current road structure, namely skid-resistant surfacing and cats-eye reflectors; while the Government has adopted a keep-quiet-and-hope-it-goes-away attitude, preferring to push the cries of "be careful" on the motoring public.

Apparently another 23 collisions on the road resulting in injury and a further 18 vehicle-damage-only incidents this past week, according to the Gazette. Yep, current policy is a rip-roaring success.

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