
The latest lame spam/scam

This one is funny, in how terrible it's written. Of course, all it takes is a couple of people to fall for it. Don't do it, faithful readers. This one is pathetic in just so many ways.
Hello dear s members NORTH ROCK COMMUNICATIONS as a result of congestion inall accounts created by NORTH ROCK COMMUNICATIONS mail! Would be forced todisable all unused accounts or pirated by the pirates from the net. To avoiddeactivation of your account if enabled, you must confirm your e-mail by filling outyour information below name by clicking reply. The personal information requestedare for the safety of your account [NORTH ROCK]. Make sure therefore filled urgently the information needed.

Full user name:... ……………………………………………………………………..
Poste Occupé : ........................................................................................................
Adresse e-mail :.......................................................................................................
Mot de passe: .........................................................................................................
Confirm your password:... …………………………………......................................
Date & place of birth:...
Téléphone :.......…………………………………………………………………………………..
Ville de résidence:....................................................................................................

After completing the instructions above, your [NORTH ROCK] mail account! will not bedisabled or removed. We thank you for your usual cooperation. We apologize for any inconvenience. the Directorate of Communication
Yes, I'll put my password, date of birth AND telephone number in an email and send to this dodgy-looking address. And if you know any disinherited princes trying to recover a few million dollars, please pass that info along to them too...

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