
Another look at casinos

I was watching the local TV news last night and they were interviewing Senator Burch regarding conscription for local males in the Regiment. At one point he quipped something to the effect that he'd like to drive at 60 mph but the laws say he'd be liable to be put off the road. I just laughed at the possiblity of legistlation arising to increase the speed limit to that amount. Ah, you had to be there. I'd link to it of course, but Bermuda Broadcasting is still yet not online. They ought to take a page from that of CBC in Barbados.

Today is a national holiday in Barbados to honour Errol Barrow, affectionately known as the Father of Independence. It has taken some time, but I think Bajans are fully proud of their status as an independent nation and the sweat and tears it took to reach that pinnacle in 1966.

In Bermuda there has been some debate regarding legislating casino-style gambling. It's the typical bring in vast income versus bring in immorality and crime debate going on. I think it's worthwhile to pay attention to what's happening in the Caribbean. Guyana has recently passed a bill allowing for it and it's met with strong opposition from Christian organisations and individuals. With the Cricket World Cup looming there's opportunities for Caribbean countries to blossom economically in the tourism sector and casino gambling is one way to get some high net worth persons to spend money there.

Debate over it has spread across the globe. And while accusations of increased crime, prostitution and other activity deemed illegal and immoral may have merit, this editorial in the Nation points out that in the Bahamas where casinos flourish, such arguments are unfounded. It also brings up the fact that many other forms of gambling exist and are either tolerated (here, horse racing wagering and football pools) or not considered (all over, bingo... plus raffle tickets). I think that among Christian organisations only the SDAs seem to have a true and respectable stance on gambling.

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