Came back from vacation, then swamped by work, now have a sore throat and ought to be in bed. But I want to throw this one out quickly.
I heard that at a recent PLP rally in Somerset, the PLP attacked the UBP's plan to bring back offering long-term residency status, claiming that this is a gesture to make certain types of expat workers into citizens, and with a natural leaning towards the UBP party. I.e., more white voters. The follow-up from the PLP was that this would guarantee that blacks would never be able to lead the country again.
I don't know if this issue is yet in the newspapers or discussed currently in the blogosphere, but I'd imagine that the point was effectively made by the PLP to its core supporters and unless the UBP can set a solid and believable counter-argument (such as insisting that the policy is only applied to people such as spouses-of-Bermudians, 20 years residence, et al.), they'll lose a few more of the undecided and currently disenfranchised voters who struggle as it is to get attention.
Ask yourself honestly about the PLP's recent record of honesty, especially concerning with the UBP platform.
They're lying their asses off.
Bullshit as usual.
The UBP has indeed responded, but will it sufficiently win back support that may have been swayed by the strong PLP "8,000" claims? Now that's something I'd like to see a poll on.
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