
Yes I'll talk about the fishies too

I was planning to review all the recent TV ads showing during that crucial Oprah Winfrey timeslot (8-9pm) in Bermuda, and actually some are pretty interesting and or very snark-worthy.

But anyway, this morning I was directed to an animated ad designed by the UBP. Oh, it's pretty sad. Not great quality, but is probably superior to most local TV ads in terms of structure. But that's another topic. It's gotten comments through the blogosphere including Limey and Devil's Island, and naturally garnered commentary on the official PLP blog. I do think that the PLP commentary in terms of claiming the ad is offensive, is over the top. In fact even addressing the ad is somewhat bizarre of them.

(Crap Limey beat me to the punch)

Anyway, and not just because I'm doing all kinds of cross-selling, 21 Square has come up with a very humourous alternative ad proposal in quick time.

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