
Does anybody care about their own driving habits?

As even the Police calls for care when riding cycles in the wake of recent serious road collisions in Bermuda, it would seem that the call for motorists to avoid the "third lane" option has fallen on deaf ears. I saw quite a few people doing this as traffic approached them and they continued on their merry way. Oh well.

How about having some officers actually patrol roads where traffic could be slowed up (for rush hour, construction points, etc.) and bust offenders or at least serve as a deterrent to those who would break the law and more importantly risk the safety of all? Because for all the talk of "warn offenders they may be brought before the courts", I haven't seen it happen.

Thank you, Stuart Hayward, for also noticing this.

And shame on the rider of 800 AD for creating their own extra lane by riding their bike on the sidewalk outside Lobster Pot to get ahead of waiting traffic. Personally if I was a pedestrian I would hold my ground instead of making way for that idiot and others who think that they have the God-given right to drive as they please whenever it suits them.

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