
A calypso for November

I do wish I had the calypsonian skills of a Mighty Gabby, Red Plastic Bag or the like, to apply this in an actual melody:

Bermuda's politicians remain a big joke
Embarassment ever abounds
When you think they may do something right
They turn, and then let you down

They say they helping out storeowners
By tax relief and breaks
But the duty hike on returning passenger loads
Just exposes them as fakes

We say, where's the hope,
Where's the compassion,
Where's the unity
Where's the smarts,
Where's the logic,
Where's the honesty

The powers that be, using big words
To let us know it's okay
They're in control, all will be well,
Tomorrow will be a better day

Crime is up, employment down
Education in disarray
But the political people in charge of these
Point their fingers, shift the blame away

We say, where's the hope,
Where's the compassion,
Where's the unity
Where's the smarts,
Where's the logic,
Where's the accountability

If smart people point out issues
The messenger, instead, gets attacked
The issue at hand gets put aside
Politicians succeed, that's that

Do more with less, that's the common refrain
During this very trying time
Unless you are a paid MP
Recession proof! the bottom line

We say, where's the hope,
Where's the compassion,
Where's the unity
Where's the smarts,
Where's the logic,
Where's the damn honesty

[Repeat chorus]

Oh, and Happy Independence Day, Barbados. 45 and still going strong.